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Quick Start

Before proceeding, make sure to install express and mongoose as peer dependencies. These packages are required for the proper functioning of the application and must be installed prior to running the code. You can install them using the npm package manager.


npm install express mongoose @egose/deco --save
npm install @types/express --save-dev

Backend Configuration

Mongoose Models

The creation and retrieval of documents from the MongoDB database are handled by the mongoose models. In turn, @egose/acl relies on obtaining model details from these mongoose model objects.

import mongoose from 'mongoose';

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
role: { type: String, enum: ['admin', 'user'] },
public: { type: Boolean, default: false },

export default mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);

Global Permissions

Role-based access control (RBAC) for the backend API endpoints relies on Global Permissions as a foundational component. These permissions are utilized to ascertain the requester's access level for each request.

import egose from '@egose/acl';

egose.set('globalPermissions', function (req) {
const user = req.user;

if (!user) return { isGuest: true };

return {
isGuest: false,
isUser: true,
isAdmin: user.role === 'admin',

Upon execution, the global permission object will be assigned to the Express request object with the field name _permissions. To modify the name of the permission field, the permissionField global option can be adjusted as shown below:

egose.set('permissionField', 'mypermissions');

Model Router

To generate predefined Express routes that bind to a Mongoose model, a model router can be established as follows:

const userRouter = egose.createRouter('User', { basePath: '/users' });

The first argument provided must match a previously established Mongoose model name.

Route Guard

The Route Guard function implements role-based security and restricts access to the backend API endpoints based on global permissions. It permits only the defined routes, which include Create, Read, Update, Delete, and List (CRUDL), and excludes any omitted routes. There are several methods to validate access:

  • boolean: true or false
  • string: considered valid if the key returns true in the global permissions
  • array: considered valid if any of the keys return true in the global permissions
  • function: considered valid if the function returns true
// the `list` route is available for any requesters including guests
list: true,
// the `read` route is available for requesters whose global permissions includes `isAdmin` or `isUser`
read: ['isAdmin', 'isUser'],
// the `update` route is available for requesters whose global permissions includes `isAdmin`
update: 'isAdmin',
// the `update` route is available for requesters whose global permissions includes `isAdmin`
create: function (globalPermissions) {
// `this` refers to Express request object
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return true;
return false;
// the `delete` route is not available for any requesters
delete: false,

Base Filter

The Base Filter feature applies document-level security to control access to individual documents in a collection. It achieves this by decorating the Mongoose Query object to define the permission guardrails based on the global permissions.

To implement Base Filter, you can use the baseFilter method on a model router, passing in an object with functions that define the filters for each CRUD operation like in the code snippet below:

// the list operation allows all requests
list: function (globalPermissions) {
return true;
// the read operation returns the document if the requester is an admin or if the document is public
read: function (globalPermissions) {
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return {};
else return { $or: [{ _id: this.user._id }, { public: true }] };
// the update operation allows updates only if the requester is an admin or the document belongs to the requester
update: function (globalPermissions) {
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return {};
else return { _id: this.user._id };
// the delete operation allows deletion only if the requester is an admin
delete: function (globalPermissions) {
return globalPermissions.isAdmin;

Suppose a non-admin user tries to update the user with ID 123456 by providing the filter object { _id: '123456' }. To fetch the document, the backend security boundary generates the following Mongoose filter object behind the scenes:

const filter = { $and: [{ _id: this.user._id }, { _id: '123456' }] };
const result = await mongoose.model('User').findOne(filter);

Document Permissions

Document permissions are essential for implementing field-level security and can be accessed through applicable middleware hooks. Additionally, document permissions can be retrieved in the frontend application and used to implement business logic in the user interface based on the user's permissions.

userRouter.docPermissions(function (docOrObject, globalPermissions) {
const isMe = String(docOrObject._id) === String(this.user._id);

return {
'': globalPermissions.isAdmin || isMe,
'edit.role': globalPermissions.isAdmin,

Permission Schema

The Permission schema maps global and optional document permissions to resources, allowing for fine-grained control. It provides field-level security to restrict access to individual fields in a document, while Base Filter provides document-level security. If no field-level security rule is defined for a field, by default, the field is protected for all actions (list, read, update, and create).

name: { list: true, read: true, update: '', create: true },
role: {
list: ['isAdmin', 'isUser'],
read: 'isAdmin',
update: function (globalPermissions, docPermissions) {
// `this` refers to Express request object
if (docPermissions['edit.role']) return true;
return false;
create: 'isAdmin',

Note that global permissions are available for all actions, and document permissions are available for update and create actions. For example, is a document permission generated by the router option docPermissions.

Binding the model router routes to the Express router

After configuring the model router, you can bind its routes to an Express router as shown below:

import express from 'express';

const app = express();
const router = express.Router();

// create a model router for the User model
const userRouter = egose.createRouter('User', { basePath: '/users' });

// bind the User model router routes to the Express router
router.use('/', userRouter.routes);
app.use('/api', router);

The above code will expose the following API endpoints:

  • GET /api/users
  • POST /api/users/__query
  • POST /api/users
  • POST /api/users/__mutation
  • GET /api/users/new
  • GET /api/users/:id
  • POST /api/users/__query/:id
  • PATCH /api/users/:id
  • PATCH /api/users/__mutation/:id
  • DELETE /api/users/:id
  • GET /api/users/distinct/:field
  • POST /api/users/distinct/:field
  • GET /api/users/count
  • POST /api/users/count

These endpoints correspond to various CRUD operations for the User model, and also include routes for querying and manipulating data using Mongoose-like syntax.

Source Code

import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import express from 'express';
import egose from '@egose/acl';

const app = express();
const router = express.Router();

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
role: { type: String, enum: ['admin', 'user'] },
public: { type: Boolean, default: false },

mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);

egose.set('globalPermissions', function (req) {
const user = req.user;

if (!user) return { isGuest: true };

return {
isGuest: false,
isUser: true,
isAdmin: user.role === 'admin',

const userRouter = egose.createRouter('User', { basePath: '/users' });

list: true,
read: ['isAdmin', 'isUser'],
update: 'isAdmin',
create: function (globalPermissions) {
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return true;
return false;
delete: false,

list: function (globalPermissions) {
return true;
read: function (globalPermissions) {
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return {};
else return { $or: [{ _id: this.user._id }, { public: true }] };
update: function (globalPermissions) {
if (globalPermissions.isAdmin) return {};
else return { _id: this.user._id };
delete: function (globalPermissions) {
return globalPermissions.isAdmin;

userRouter.docPermissions(function (docOrObject, globalPermissions) {
const isMe = String(docOrObject._id) === String(this.user._id);

return {
'': globalPermissions.isAdmin || isMe,
'edit.role': globalPermissions.isAdmin,

name: { list: true, read: true, update: '', create: true },
role: {
list: ['isAdmin', 'isUser'],
read: 'isAdmin',
update: function (globalPermissions, docPermissions) {
if (docPermissions['edit.role']) return true;
return false;
create: 'isAdmin',

router.use('/', userRouter.routes);
app.use('/api', router);

Frontend Usage

Querying selected user list

const listQueryUrl = '/api/users/__query';

const data = {
filter: { role: 'user' },
select: ['name', 'role'],
sort: '-name',
populate: [],
page: 1,
limit: 2,

const response = await fetch(listQueryUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(data),

const result = response.json();

Querying a selected user

const targetUserId = 8;
const readQueryUrl = `/api/users/__query/${targetUserId}`;

const data = {
select: ['name', 'role'],
populate: [],
options: { includePermissions: true, tryList: true },

const response = await fetch(readQueryUrl, {
method: 'POST',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(data),

const result = response.json();