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Global Options

Global Options for Library and Model Routers

Global options refer to the options that are set at the library-level.


Global permissions are based on the requester's authentication/authorization context and determine the requester's access level for each request. Here's an example usage:

import egose from '@egose/acl';

egose.set('globalPermissions', function (req) {
const user = req.user;

if (!user) return { isGuest: true };

return {
isGuest: false,
isUser: true,
isAdmin: user.role === 'admin',

In the above example, the globalPermissions option sets different access levels for users based on their authentication context. If a user is not authenticated, their access level is set to isGuest. If the user is authenticated, their access level is set to isUser, and if they have an 'admin' role, their access level is also set to isAdmin.


This option specifies the name of the object field that is used to set the global permissions in the Request Object. By default, it is set to _permissions.

import egose from '@egose/acl';

egose.set('permissionField', '__access');